Saturday, December 31, 2011

Catholic Kids Bulletin

I was working diligently on the bulletin this morning, but Squish woke up, so I put it away, knowing that I would have time tonight to complete it.  So, at 8ish, I was putting Curly to bed, then planning to get everything out again, finish the pictures, and put the bulletin together.  As a part of Curly's bedtime routine, I tell her the "plan" for the next day.  "Wake up, have breakfast, get dressed, go to church."  That's as far as I got when I stopped...tomorrow is the first.  January first.  As in, Solemnity of Mary, January first, Octave of the Nativity.  Then, I realize that I've been drawing pictures all day to go along with January first, Mary, etc.  I LOST AN ENTIRE WEEK!  This was supposed to be done a week ago!  Oh, My, Goodness!  How did this happen?  I was feeling suprisingly relaxed this week--we were on vacation, all of my family was in town, I completely, and totally forgot.

So, I apologize that this is completely late.  Next weeks will also be late since I obviously haven't started.  Then, I PROMISE, I will get back on the ball and get to work.  Ironically, my goal during my week of vacation was to get AHEAD on the bulletins and get a few week's completed.  Ha!

Here is tomorrow's bulletin.  I think.

B.1.2012.1.1 Christmas Octave Mary Mother of God

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