Tuesday, November 24, 2015

December Catholic Kids Bulletins

Happy Advent; I love this season!!! My goal this year is to take more pictures of ADVENT around our house. We have a million Christmas images, and no quality pictures of our Advent moments. So...to help you get in the spirit, here are a few Christmas pictures from last year.

Mady has been in a variety of Christmas plays, and she LOVES every second of it. It's such a terrific chance for her to learn those religious Christmas songs. Being the typical oldest child that she is, she takes it very seriously and spends as much time possible learning the songs and practicing any actions. Jake is finally getting old enough (and mature enough) to join in the kid's choir and he is delighted to be up with the big kids!

Each year, my sisters and I set aside one day after Thanksgiving for 'Cookie Baking Day.' We spend a few hours mixing, baking, and visiting and end up with a huge quantity and variety of cookies. Last year, I think we made 100 DOZEN cookies. We divide them between the 9 of us (mom, sisters, and sisters-in-law....yes, I have a big family).We all have an abundance of cookies for cookie swaps, eating, and potlucks, plus a fun day of family time. Even better, we can all share my mom's nice Kitchenaide mixer while we save up for our own. I can't wait for this year's cookie day....mmmmmmm.

We got this Gobblet Gobblers game from Nana and Grandpa last year, and it quickly became my new favorite family game. It's basically tic-tac-toe...but there is a twist. The 'chickens' can stack on top of each other and move around the board. So, you think that you've safely blocked a row, and suddenly, you're 5yo covers your piece and wins...legitimately. It's simple enough that my little guys can understand the rules, yet complicated enough that it's still a challenge for the grown-ups (unlike Candy Land, which is a special kind of torture).

Ok--enough distractions, here is the real reason you're here. The bulletins for December are ready...enjoy!

The December 2015 Bulletins include...


~Saint Francis Xavier
~Saint Juan Diego
~Our Lady of Guadalupe
~John the Baptist
~Saint Lucia
~Feast of the Holy Family

Diciembre Boletín de Niños Católicos 2015


~San Francisco Javier 
~San Juan Diego 
~Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
~Juan el Bautista
~Santa Lucia
~La Fiesta de la Sagrada 
~Inmaculada Concepción

You can also download the bulletins by visiting Catholic Kids at Teachers Pay Teachers (and enjoy some other fine products). You'll need to create an account, but it's free!

December 2015 Catholic Kids Bulletin
Diciembre Boletín de Niños Católicos 2015

I'm not planning to upload these to Google Drive so I can save a step each month--let me know if that will make you super sad and I'll re-evaluate.

Don't forget that there are a huge printable set of Fill-In-The-Blank Thank You Cards over on Catholic Kids at Teachers Pay Teachers! I have a hate-hate relationship with thank you cards. I avoid writing them, and I hope that my kiddos won't develop my same aversion. I've been printing fill-in-the-blank notes for them recently so they can add some color, write a word or two, and have a fun thank you note ready for the mail.

Choose 2 templates, print front/back on cardstock, cut, fold, and let the kids get to work. Nick (3) can scribble and circle, Jake (5) can trace and circle, and Mady (8) can fill in the blank and draw some adorable kiddo artwork. I can even adjust the difficulty based on their ability and mood for the day. The cards will fit in invitation envelopes.

Out of 19 pages of options, there are 100+ possible card combinations that you can choose from to create a card that will suit your students.

To continue with the Catholic-ness of the blog, I created 6 Saint/Bible quotes 'covers' as well as simple 'Thank You' covers that can be colored by your kids. Hopefully you like them!

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