Friday, March 31, 2017

Seven Quick Takes #2

I used the "I have...who has..." game with Junior High kids this week. They were much less sarcastic then the high school crowd when saying the "I have...who has..." line over and over. They seemed to enjoy it, and of course, they made it competitive and decided to lay out all the cards and race to see who could find the answer first...but they made it through the game without any brawls, so all in all, I'd say it was a success!

I am unnecessarily excited because with the help of the great and wise internet, I figured out how to make a "Spot It" game. Have you seen these games? I might have to get this NHL version for my husband. It's another good game that works for all ages. The concept is easy enough for my 4yo, but it's still a challenge for me, so I'm now spending the whole game hiding yawns like I am when I play Candy Land. Is it just me or is that game the WORST!

My youngest turns ONE in a few weeks! Aughhhh! She finally learned a few signs and I must say, I absolutely love baby sign language. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to ask the baby to 'use your words' and have her sign 'food' instead of screaming at me. Don't worry, she still finds other reasons to scream at me.

I've been trying to do some more serious reading during Lent...well at least more serious than my usual favorites. I'm on the next book of the Narnia Series, the Silver chair. The beginning of this one pulled me in much faster than the Dawn it's promising! 

We had confession day at school, which means that I sat at church for 5 hours supervising kids waiting for confession. It's a great PEACEFUL day, so I had a chance to read half of this book by Scott Hahn. There's a whole chapter explaining why it's important to read serious books slowly so there is plenty of time to think and absorb the information. So, I haven't read a page in that book since that day...I'm still absorbing the wisdom.

I DEVOURED Wonder by R.J. Palacio last week and lovedlovedloved it. I recommended it to my daughter as well, and she's digging in. I love that the book jumps to different perspectives and really shows the many sides of a situation. I can't recommend it enough! I feel like I should add more 'loves' up was seriously that good.

The big seller this week on my TPT site was the Lent & Holy Week Unit (PowerPoint & Guided Notes). I just finished the packet with my Junior High kiddos. The real test will be next week when I mention Palm Sunday. Should we take bets on how many kids will act like they have NEVER heard those words? (Just teaching is so awesome that every kid remembers everything I say...always...????)

Whenever my daughter cooks, she acts like she's hosting a cooking show, so I finally recorded  an 'episode'. The girl is a natural born teacher and really is relatively educational! And...also a little nuts.
I designed another shirt over on zazzle. I love the font that I found for this one! In high school, we hosted Junior High retreats called, "FIG: Faith In God" retreats. I know that's not as sentimental for you all as it is for me...but it just brings me back to my younger days!

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