Friday, May 12, 2017

Seven Quick Takes #7

This weekend, Pope Francis will celebrate the canonization of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marto! We're reading this book this week to learn about the miracles of Fatima, and I might make the kids watch this movie this weekend. My husband hates old movies, so it will definitely be torture for him if we have a family movie night...hmmmm. The visions at Fatima are also told in the Apparitions of Mary Saint Stories if you need something for your classroom next week.

There is also a drawing of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marta in the bulletins for this month. If you missed that one, you could go back and print it out as a coloring page.

I started thinking ahead to next year and realized that I need to have more concrete language to use when I'm talking about voice tone. I generally think that my Junior High kids are TOO LOUD, but without more specific guidelines, I have a hard time giving directions about voice tone. I created these voice tone posters, along with some other rules/procedures posters so I'll be more prepared for my preteaching next year.

My kindergartners LOVE LOVE LOVE these vocab mazes, so I want to make some more for my kids to do over the summer. Do you have any ideas of vocab words that I should include?

I'm trying to prepare for the craziness that is summer, so I ordered some of these and these for my daughter (9yo) so she'll have something to keep her hands busy over the summer. I can't decide if it's going to a wonderful creative venture, or a nightmare to try to keep the beads from spreading all over the house. Do you think I should get her some patterns, or force her to use her own creative little mind? She's very type A and loves to organize, so she'd probably like the patterns...look at her organized binder! She has folders in here for homework, spelling, notes for parents, etc..

I am doing the P90x workout, and even on nights when I'm less-than-motivated, the kids encourage me to work out (because we watch cooking shows while exercising...ironic). While I was sweating this week, I look over to see Nick playing games on the phone, while sitting in Abby's many things wrong with this situation! Surely that can't be comfortable! (BTW...I love this carseat--the click-lock is a revelation.)

Speaking of cooking, I taught Jake (6yo) how to cook scrambled eggs, and he was adorably nervous! Then, he quickly realized that it was seriously easy. He was so proud to announce that he made dinner and that it wasn't nearly as hard as he expected.

Linking up with Kelly for 7QT!

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