Friday, May 26, 2017

Seven Quick Takes #8

The June bulletins are ready to go! The boys have been working on these at Faith Formation each week, but that's over for the year, so I'll actually have to print them myself! Ugh...the struggle is real!

This would be a fun activity to keep your kiddos learning over the summer. So would this.

I bought perler beads for some summer fun. I was amazed that the boys were the first to dig in a start creating...they worked for about a half hour, then they dumped their creations and haven't touched them since. (You can see Mady's chalk art over Jake's shoulder. These chalk pens are awesome!)

 Mady has been working diligently. She made a spiderweb, a pencil, a rainbow, AND a Medusa.

Abby discovered corn on the cob. It was love at first bite!

Nick wandered into the kitchen earlier this week an when I went to check on him 5 minutes later--he was making dessert! He had put together 5 bowls of angel food cake, strawberries, and cool whip. It doesn't get any cuter than this! (Don't worry, he didn't lick the spoon until the end...I hope).

I seriously love this game. I can't get enough!

I finally printed and laminated this game. Nick and I had a blast playing a quick round. (And, I realized that he can't identify quite a few of the letters of the alphabet, so we'll be working on that this summer.)

Linking up with Kelly for 7QT!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like fun and learning together. Beautiful children you have and It's admiring to see you so active and engaged in their development.
