Friday, August 4, 2017

Seven Quick Takes #9

1. August bulletins are available here. This weekend, it's the celebration of the Transfiguration. This is usually a special feast day during the week, but it falls on a Sunday this year and seems to trump the regular Sunday reading. Fascinating.

2. The Leading Prayer PowerPoint was a top seller this week. It's a perfect format to help students lead prayer while also encouraging choice in their day!

3. I use the ACTS prayer format to help my students structure their daily prayers. This set of worksheets and activities will be a part of my first week once school starts. (Too soon!)

4. I read For the Love by Jen Hatmaker recently. I LOVED it. If you haven't read any of her work--you should! She has a delightful, casual writing style. Love love love. I also read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley--it's...strange, very strange. I also enjoyed a few new audio books with my kids. I would highly recommend this, this, and this. What have you listened to lately? I need some breezy, fun books to finish out the summer.

5. My kids spent an entire week creating some Lego worlds. Mady made a house for all the girl-Legos that she could find. Each floor was a separate room. There was a kitchen, garden, bedroom, bathroom, etc. Do your daughters play with Legos?

6. We spent a day at a state park and the kids had a blast. They got to use nets to catch tadpoles and water beetles for a ranger to identify. They spent almost 2 hours searching through the small ponds to catch tiny creatures! What a terrific idea!

7. I mentioned that I'm hoping to have a year of bulletins put together so they can be purchased as a book. For those people that like to be prepared WAY ahead of time, I know this would be helpful! I had hoped to have something finished by the end of summer...but that's not happening. My new (more realistic) goal is to have all of Cycle B ready by Advent. Prayers!

Linking up with Kelly for 7QT!

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