Monday, February 25, 2019

2019 March Catholic Kids Bulletins

These FREE Printables are offered each month to help young Catholics learn at Mass. You are welcome to print and share with others. If you can afford it, click Support CKB on the right and donate to help pay for the time and effort put into these pages. Enjoy!

March Bulletins include...
  • Ordinary Time
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Lent
  • Saint Joseph
  • Saint Perpetua & Saint Felicity (This movie tells their story so beautifully)
  • Saint Dismas
  • Saint Patrick  (This book would be perfect for a read aloud!)
  • Saint Katharine Drexel

**I included two sets of bulletins for 3/24 and 3/31. The church has the option to read year A or year C readings for those weeks (it is written on the bottom left of the page). You can check with your church to find out which readings they will use, or just print both to be prepared.**

There will be a HUGE sale at my online store on February 26th and 27th. Don't miss this great chance to prepare for Lent! Here are a few of my favorites...

Click HERE to see all of the products that I have to teach about Lent and Easter. Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see...I'm always looking for great ideas!

If you need some ideas about Lent activities--check out these, here, here, and here.

The Catholic Kids Bulletin worksheets match up to the weekly Mass readings in the Catholic Church. The worksheets are ready to print and include coloring pages, activities, Psalm copywork, and a Saint of the Week. These are designed to be used at Mass, or as a pre-teaching activity to help prepare your students for the Sunday Mass.

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