Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy St. Nick's Day!

I didn't celebrate St. Nick's day until I taught 5th grade at a Catholic school and they celebrated everything.  Hardly a day went by in the school when we weren't having some special tradition or ceremony.  For St. Nick's day, the kids all left cut outs of shoes in the hallway and came to school the next day to find gifts of candy. 

I'm celebrating with Curly today, but so far, I haven't told her anything about St. Nicholas except that he's going to bring her candy and he was a Bishop.  I did try to make the connection for her that she saw a Bishop at her aunt's confirmation last month, but I haven't had a chance to dig out pictures so she would really know what I'm talking about.  Either way, late last night,  I (oh, I mean, St. Nick) gave the kids candy canes to represent a Bishop's crozier (shepherd's crook--I just used the big word since it looks cool), chocolate coins because the Bishop gave money, and a chocolate St. Nicholas.  Curly helped me make the chocolate St. Nicks last week.  It was her first glittery craft.  Surprisingly, she wasn't that excited.  She was more concerned about the glitter sticking to her hands and was more excited when she got to use the vacuum to clean up the floor.  Goofy kid.

Happy Saint Nicholas Day!

1 comment:

  1. Dropping by from Catholic Mothers Online to say hi :) Adorable pictures!
