Friday, January 6, 2012

Catholic Kids Bulletin

Thanks to Lacy, I realized that
I should include a picture so you
can pin, pin away!

#1: My bulletins are on PINTEREST!  I'm so excited!  Thanks to whoever pinned me!!!!!!!!!!! My husband made fun of me A LOT when I told him the exciting news.
#2: On a less positive note, download numbers are WAY down, so I'm assuming most of the planet got incredibly busy at Christmas and hasn't been visiting.  So if you would all help me get the numbers back up by liking on facebook, telling your friends, and pinning me on pinterest, I would LOVE it. 

#3: I'm asking for more help from all of you.  If you would comment below with answers to any/all of these questions, that would be great.  I'm getting organized this week so any advice/complaints/comments that you all have would be great.

1.  What is your favorite part of the bulletin?
2. Do you feel that there should be more/less doctrine and teaching?
3. Are there enough activities in each bulletin?
4. Any thoughts/advice for fonts or layout if I revamp the look?j
5. Anything else you'd like to share.

Finally-here's the bulletin for this week....It's even early for any of you that want to be prepared ahead of time. 

Have a great week!

B.1.2012.1.15 2nd Ordinary

Linking to...
Catholic Icing
Equipping Catholic Families


  1. Nice printable...thanks for linking to CeleLINKY with the SAINTS and for including the button! I'm going to post your Catholic Kids Bulletin button...for a great resource!

  2. This is great! Found you via Pinterest. I've been searching for something like this for my kiddos and thought I'd have to make one myself. Thank you for doing this! I'll be back for more:)
