Monday, June 22, 2015

July 2015 Catholic Kids Bulletin

It's almost July--I can't believe it! I had these grand plans about getting ahead, and I filled my extra time with...hmmm, I have no idea what, but I'm not ahead yet. At least I'm not farther behind! 

My goal this summer is to promote this blog like crazy and increase the readership--so, if there is anything you'd like me to work on, comment below, and please like/share/pin, etc. (It's probably not classy to beg for just think of it as a friendly reminder, not groveling.) Thanks!

This month we have a great roundup of always! We have Saint James and Saint Christopher who have been saints for-ev-er. We also have two newish American saints! Saint Kateri Tekakwitha and Blessed Junipero Serra. I believe Blessed Junipero is set to be named an official saint later this year! It's a wonderful opportunity for kids to see some of the recent Catholic awesomeness as well as the age-old traditions. 

On July 26th, you may notice that Saint James is standing in a slightly strange pose. In high school, I was a part of a terrific youth group, that did ridiculous things--as any good youth group does. We would pose by the Saint James statue at our church...usually standing like the statue. I don't know why the artist decided that Saint James would pose like this after fishing all day, but we sure got a TON of enjoyment out of it! When I chose Saint James for this bulletin, I had to include an inside joke for....myself? are the bulletins!

July 2015 Catholic Kids Bulletin by Theresa

And...on Google Drive

July 2015 Catholic Kids Bulletin

Julio 2015 Boletín de Niños Católicos

Linking up at The Life of Jennifer DawnGiving Up on PerfectFluster Buster, and The NY Melrose Family, Cornerstone Confessions, The Modest Mom Blog, and A Mama's Story.

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