Hello, hello!
Lent is SO early this year! I only have a few more weeks to choose a sacrifice and decide what traditions to focus on with my kiddos. But, never fear, the bulletins are ready to go!
February Mass readings include the fishing miracle at the Sea of Galilee, the Transfiguration, and the temptation in the desert.
This month, the saints include Saint Blaise (patron saint of throats), Saint Valentine, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, and Blessed Jacinta and Francisco Marta. Saint Bernadette is a favorite with my high school students. I'm not sure if they like the story, or if it's just that she is SO well known! Mady loves the Saint Blaise tradition of the blessing of the throats, so I'll have to remember to make a special trip to church on the third.
Let me know if there's any special saints that you'd like to see featured in the upcoming months and I'll try to include them.
Lent starts on the 10th with Ash Wednesday. There is a dot-to-dot in the bulletin on Ash Wednesday, as well as a reflection page on the sacrifices of Lent. It's a great page to discuss even if you don't head over to an Ash Wednesday Mass.
Just a quick reminder--if you haven't paid a subscription fee in the last year, take a moment to click "Support CKB" over on the right, and before you go, like/share/pin this post to help spread the word about these free bulletins! Thanks!
If you're looking for the bulletins for January, they are over here.
You can also download the bulletins from Teachers Pay Teachers (and find some other great resources as well!)
February Catholic Kids Bulletin
Febrero Boletin de Ninos Catolicos
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