Sunday, January 17, 2016

Support Catholic Kids Bulletin in 2016

These bulletins are free for all use, however, if you can afford it, I would LOVE to have some support for the time and effort that I put into creating these bulletins. Many of you graciously paid for a yearly subscription last year-and since it's a new year, it might be time for a new subscription. If you're organized enough to remember the month you paid last year, you might have a few more months. I'm not techie enough to figure out if Paypal can send you a this is a generic reminder to all of you wonderful people! 

I started creating these gems because I couldn't find any free activity pages for my kiddos to use during Mass. After months of searching, I finally gave in and made them myself. In that spirit, they are free to anyone who can't afford them, but for those of you who can, please pay a yearly subscription to keep everything running.

Here is a suggested fee for the use of the bulletins.
Personal Use: 15$/year
10-100 copies a week: 25$/year
101+ copies a week: 50$/year

Click on "Support CKB" on the right, and help me out.
Thanks for the support!

FREE Weekly Bulletins to help kids enjoy and LEARN during the Catholic Mass. Gospel and Saint coloring pages, and handwriting with the Psalms!

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